business elements

Top 3 Overlooked Esthetician Business Success Elements

  There is a lot more to running a successful esthetician business than just being the best at skin care. It also requires developing your unique brand, nurturing a dedicated client base, and building a stellar reputation. However, even with those priorities addressed, there are many other factors that impact one’s business potential. Learn the top 3 most commonly overlooked …

The Esthetician Success Audit maxine drake blog

The Esthetician Success Audit

The esthetician success audit is a tool to help you evaluate where you are in different areas of your life and business. The audit is like a guideline to show you where you need to improve in the six forms of wealth. We all know that money is one form of wealth but it certainly isn’t the only measurement for …

How to Become an Elite Esthetician Maxine Drake Blog

How to Become An Elite Esthetician

Do you ever wonder about the daily habits successful people practice? Explore 50 daily rituals to help you become an elite esthetician. The word “elite” is not about monetary worth. Elite is more about how we go from being ordinary to extraordinary to ourselves and others. I dream about a world where we are focused on rising above the level …

Is dog suicide real?

I will try not sound like a babbling, blubbering fool as I fall apart typing these words. I can’t even breathe. My Rona is gone. I am on my knees in a search for answers. Do dogs have breaking points similar to humans? I write this tragic story with the intent to potentially save another dog in a similar circumstance …

How To Land The Perfect Job out of Esthetics School - Maxine Drake Blog

How to Land the Perfect Job Out of Esthetics School

Don’t panic! You’re awesome, and you’ve got this! Congratulations on completing esthetics school! Now it’s time to land the perfect job. Welcome to the sensational circle of estheticians. You have chosen a life path that is not only personally rewarding but can be very lucrative if you plan effectively. You will build amazing relationships and lasting friendships, and even experience …

the thinking esthetician - maxine drake blog

The Thinking Esthetician

The esthetician who thinks they can succeed, will! What do you think about most? Are your thoughts mostly positive or negative? Did you know that what you think about most during the day is considered your dominating thoughts? According to the Mayo Clinic, positive thinking could reduce stress, lower rates of depression, and even increase your life span. Your dominating …

esthetician business

The Confident Esthetician

The Wall Street Journal has an interesting report on a recently-updated Bureau of Labor Statistics study. This study shows that the average person changes careers seven times in his or her lifetime. Is the person on the search for happiness or looking for something he or she loves? I think we are pretty lucky to be in the beauty industry …